SCHOLE > Numere > Scholé 1/2010 > Iovan Drehe – Despre generarea categoriilor aristotelice şi câteva consideraţii cu privire la posibilitatea ipotezei dialectice

Iovan Drehe

Despre generarea categoriilor aristotelice şi câteva consideraţii cu privire la posibilitatea ipotezei dialectice

On Generating the Aristotelian Categories and a Few Remarks on the Possibility of the Dialectical Hypothesis

» Scholé 1/2010, pp. 13-30

This essay is concerned with the origin of the Aristotelian categorical table. Several theories were advanced regarding this point and are summarized in the first part. In what follows I will try to argue that there is a possibility to consider the Aristotelian categories from a dialectical point of view (i.e. Aristotelian dialectic, not Hegelian). And the starting points for this are several aspects of these concepts that are relevant to the dialectical method.

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SCHOLÉ - Iovan Drehe – Despre generarea categoriilor aristotelice şi câteva consideraţii cu privire la posibilitatea ipotezei dialectice