SCHOLE > Issues > Scholé 2/2011 > Gelu Sabău – Despre creat şi increat la Dionisie Areopagitul şi în tradiţia neoplatonică

Gelu Sabău

Despre creat şi increat la Dionisie Areopagitul şi în tradiţia neoplatonică

On the Created and Increated Reality in Dionysius the Areopagite and in the Neoplatonic Tradition

» Scholé 2/2011, pp. 5-20

This article is a critical evaluation of the greek theologian Nikolaos Matsoukas's hypothesis on the "revolution" imposed by the byzantine theology compared to the greek philosophy. I have tried to show that the dichotomy between created reality and increated reality is postulated by Dionysius the Areopagite in the limits of inteligibility proposed by the neo-platonic philosophy.


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SCHOLÉ - Gelu Sabău – Despre creat şi increat la Dionisie Areopagitul şi în tradiţia neoplatonică