Cristian Mladin
„Introducere la dor”. Istoria fiinţei şi problema repetării
”Introduction to longing-for”. History of Be-ing and the Problem of Repetition
» Scholé 2/2011, pp. 51-69Through this text we aim to intimate a possible interpretation of the later Heideggerian Philosophy. We would like to suggest that Be-ing (Seyn) for Heidegger is in fact ”something” irrepeatable, if not the irrepeatable itself. For legitimating this thought we are following Heidegger's concept of repetition, Wieder(-)holung. The Heideggerian concept of repetition has its ground in understanding Be-ing as something that cannot be understood through a recapitulation of its marks in the History of Philosophy, but it can be experienced as the irrepeatable as such through an originary hermeneutical repetition (seynsgeschichtliches Wieder-holung). The next defining step is to put in question a way of experiencing the irrepeatable as such. Following Heidegger's example of conceiving the nothing (as the veil of Be-ing) by appealing to a fundamental mood, anxiety (Angst), we will attempt to grasp the structure of the irrepeatable by analyzing the distinctive mood of longing-for (Sehnsucht).